Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Music, Music, Music

So Brad and I really love music, and thanks to Katie we now have music on our blog. After talking to some of you I thought I’d write up an explanatory post on how to use the music playlist. You have to click once on it to be able to operate it, then you can click the play button to pause the music if you don’t like it. I put the playlist where I did so you’d all have easier access to it and so you can scroll through it and listen to what you want. It’s not exactly pleasing to the eye but I figure it works out better that way. Also for kicks and giggles, Rheanna happened to check out our blog with the video of Emma dancing while the song DARE by Gorillaz was playing, and the timing works out. Also, if there are songs or bands that you want to suggest us looking in to, please leave suggestions. We love good music and are always on the look out for new stuff.
Also if you’re curious about how to add music to your blog, just check out
http://www.projectplaylist.com. We also recommend http://pandora.com/ as an online music radio. Enjoy!


Sydney said...

I tried the Gorillez to the dance... it does fit nicely doesn't it? Love Pandora's- it really can help to find new music and fit your mood as well.

Please Pass the Green said...

chels, i love that you have so many songs to choose from. it makes me want to add more to my playlist!! and, brad, your playlist is inspiring, too. i guess you're a one-band man.:)