Thursday, January 10, 2008

4 months

So i thought we'd take a trip down memory lane since emma turned 4 months yesterday. I don't think the pictures do her justice as to how much she really has grown.

September 9th 2007 maybe and hour or two old

Emma's blessing day, about 1 month

I'm pretty sure this was taken at 2 months...maybe 3....but i'm thinking 2. I have to find where the other one went.

Taken 9th of January 2008. i should have dressed her in lighter pants so you could see better.


Jennifer said...

ok for some reason this is the first time I have been able to get your blog to come up on my computer. She is so cute and they just keep getting to be more fun. Hows the sleeping coming? Aarons teething so we have regressed a little.