So here's our little emma. She's about a month in these pictures. These first two are with her grandma newbold (brad's mom). Sorry i don't really have any with my mom, but as most of you know, she's not one to easily let her picture be taken. We ended up having the blessing at Brad's parents house instead of at church cause it was General Conference weekend and that was the only weekend my Dad could come out. It was nice. We kept Emma asleep as long as we could so she wouldn't cry through the blessing. Katie held her in her room asleep til all the family got there. I didn't even risk changing her into her blessing dress (which had been my dress as a baby) til after she was blessed cause i didn't want to risk waking her. Besides they only get dressed up for pictures afterwards;) Here she is with her proud papa trying to figure out what the heck is going on. He always has fun showing her off.
Yeah, I'm taking after my mother and not liking being in pictures so much but i love this one cause emma has a smirk on her face.
From left to right my brother Jacob, my dad John, Brad & Emma, Brad's dad Bruce and Emma's Great Grandpa Newbold. They all participated in the blessing.
Such cute pictures!
She is Adorable! Like you sister Ashley ;)
Olga and David
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