Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Oh baby BABY!
Our friends son had a superhero themed birthday party and she took some pics of the kids in their costumes. As you can see, Emma is totally following in her great grandma ashley's footsteps ; ) The other pic is of all the baby's of friends of ours that were born within 2 weeks of each other AND there were 2 other babies that were born too but not at the party. Yeah...guess there's not much to do in pullman ; ) XOXO
Posted by Brad and Chelsea at 2:16 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
You had a baby?
Ok so bloggers new picture dealio is screwy to me so sorry if things are messy. Plus i have a screaming baby in the other room so i'm a bit distracted and in and out trying to get him down. but here you go some pics at last. Sorry i'm not the best at blogging but i do try when i have time and remember : )
Emma started swimming lessons in August and she loves it! She does pretty good too
Sooooo this picture goes with a story that happened back in July i think. I was making some scones to take to a recipe group that i occasionally participate in and i had a friend over to have a playdate with my kids while i made them. She has 3 kids, a daughter, Ali, a couple years older than emma and twins that are a few months older than jude. Plus at the time we were both 7 mos pregnant. Anywho, my friend and i are chatting away as i make the scones at the table when Ali comes running in, "The babies got a hold of a black marker and are coloring everywhere!" I run into the kids bedroom to find Jude and one of the twins with guilty looks on their faces and marker on the walls, doors, mirror, carpet, blankets, each other etc. Needless to say i was a little flustered. So i sent them out of the room and started to try and scrub the marker out of the carpet while i continued chatting with my friend. (Now mind you this whole story took place in the matter of no more than 5 min from beginning to end). Ali again comes running into the room yelling, "Jude's getting into the food!" So i drop my sponge and run out to the dining room took find Jude stuffing his face as fast as he can with the chocolate i'd grated to put in the cones. I took it away and put it up on the counter where his greedy little hands couldn't reach it shooed him away to go play with toys and went back to scrubbing the floor. Again Ali comes running in, "Jude's got the butter!" Again i run out to find him squeezing what was left over of a cube of butter i had out for the scones, i take it and him away as well as all my other baking goods so that there would be no more temptation for the little man. So "cheerfully" i go back to scrubbing the marker out of the carpet (did i mention i was 7 mos july?...) when Ali come running in AGAIN to exclaim, "Jude's eating the butter!" I was like SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! I swore i'd taken everything way and put it out of his reach, WELL i'd left the package of unopened butter out on the table still, and as i come around the corner i see Jude just as greedily gnawing away at a new cube of butter has he had the chocolate. I mean seriously you would have thought i was starving the child. Anyways, the pics a little blurry but you can see his little teeth marks on it. Crazy kid...
So everyone and their mom decided to have a baby this late aug early sept so i was kept super busy trying to make baby shower gifts (one week i had 3 baby showers in one day...). I know how to knit and knitted most of the gifts but saw this pattern and decided i needed to take up crocheting too. I'm REALLY liking it. Anywho, this was my first hat and the link to the pattern is here.
practicing being mommy's
Meeting baby BrotherDay we left the hospital and Eli's first photo shoot
Mr. Burns
Emma's first day of preschool, Jude had to be in the photo shoot. He was devastated he couldn't go
Emma's birthday. We celebrated it on her birthday but didn't have cake until the next day because there was a stake activity on the night of her birthday and Gma. Ashley was flying in the next day so we waited.
Emma wanted a dragon cake for her birthday. I really want to make it a tradition that the kids get to decide what kind of cake they want me to make for their birthdays. Well emma was determined to have a dragon cake. All i can say is thank heavens for the internet! The tutorial for making this cake can be found here. The little girl next to Jude is Emma's new best friend Bailey. What's ironic is she moved into the same apartment that her best friend Cody moved out of.
As for the birthing story i'll try and write that in my next post...3mos from now... : ) xoxox0
Posted by Mrs. Newbold at 1:18 PM 6 comments
Monday, July 25, 2011
Summer Fun
Enjoying Daddy on a Saturday : ) Oh summer please don't come to an end and take our daddy away...
we brainwash them into loving baseball while they're young
She's actually got a pretty good swing. We're thinking T-ball next year...
Feeding the animals at Sunnyside Park
They called me out to look at them. Emma said they were leopards lounging in a tree : )
Pretending it's bedtime. I love watching them play together. I've started trying to brainwash them (as my friend Kelly calls it) that they are each others best friends. Luckily it hasn't been much work since they already love each other. They sleep in bunkbeds now and when they were not going to bed we said whoever misbehaved would have to sleep in the baby's crib. We ended up putting Jude in the crib and they just cried for like 10 min calling out for each other. It melted our irritated hearts into not following through with our threat, but they ended up going to bed after that : )
4th of July festivities. Picnic in the park with friends and water time.
He was in HEAVEN
my sweet sweet little emma. i love that goofy smile.
Story time at the library...Jude would rather do his own thing
Carrying on with the Ashley tradition of being able to choose your birthday meals we had donuts for jude's breakfast. Look at that can you not love it!!!
A grateful sister who can hardly wait for her Birthday
Jude's 2nd "Birthday Party"
Pioneer Day Primary activity
Hitching a ride with papa bear, walking is for chumps!
Posted by Brad and Chelsea at 1:50 PM 5 comments